Parking Finder App in Kenya

Customised solutions, timely delivery and affordability.

Vehicle Tracking

Users may track the positions of their vehicle in the parking spot finder app to make sure their vehicle is safe on the parking spot.

Rate Card

A detailed rate card shows the hourly/daily/weekly/monthly rates of the parking space. This allows your users to choose the best package.

Nearby Places Suggestions

In case of unavailability, the app for finding parking spaces shows nearby available parking places so your users do not have to search from scratch.

Map Searching

In-built access to Google Maps in the car parking application that lets the users find the navigation and easiest path to reach the parking space.

Social Media Login

Users may signup/login to the parking finder app with their email/password, social media accounts and phone number with a one-time password.


Generate revenue and build a business model by showing relevant in-app advertisements to your application for parking space users.

In App Communication

Users, drivers and admin may communicate with each other using in-app communication, voice / video calling or messaging.

Cloud Based

The parking garage finder app is cloud based, making it highly protected, fast and easy to use. All valuable data is stored on the clouds.

admin panal

Advanced Features


It allows your users to browse parking spaces near them, and also allows them to find the easiest path to reach the parking spot.

Instant Alert

The parking search app sends instant alerts for booking, cancelation, scheduling, parking time of the user and leaving time of the user.

Wearable Integration

Connect your parking space finder app with the wearable devices and get access to your activities on-the-go, on your wrist.


The parking space locator app supports multiple languages. Changing the language takes no more than just a tap on the button.

Multiple Cities & Locations

The parking spot finder app shows offices from different cities and area. This helps the users search the best parking places in his city or locality.

One-tap Request

With just one tap, the public parking finder app user may rebook his previously booked parking places. This eliminates the hard time of searching the parking.

Operational Zone Setup

Set an operational zone and let your car parking location app users know that you provide your services in the mentioned areas.

Reservation Management

Reservation Management allows your online parking reservation app users to book your parking for a future date, without worrying about unavailability.

Core Features

Features that make your app stand out.

Location Availability

Available and Occupied parking spaces are represented in different colors, making it easy for your users to find whether the parking is available or not.

Bulk Billing

For multiple spot booking through the parking near me app, offer discounted rates to get bulk orders and increase your customer base.

Audio Qr Payments

Parking finding app users may pay through Audio QR Scanning, a latest technology preferably used for online payment transfer.

Heat Map View

Heat Map View shows you the most popular areas/ parking spots, enabling you to make better decisions with the parking reservation app.

Commission Manager

Commission Manager keeps the track of your earnings. Advanced reports are provided with beautiful graphics in the parking lot finder app.

Surge Pricing

Offer surge pricing during peak hours or during more demand for parking places. Easily manageable through your city parking finder app admin panel.